Thursday, August 5, 2010 5:04 PM

Today our class get our class t-shirt. The Design was nice. Thank to those who design the class t-shirt for us and our form teacher too.. And thank to Mr Tan for helping us to pay the money first.

Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:04 PM
Hello! We are back to update about our third day about our camp. Finally, it is the last night that we can sleep with our dearest friends. Today we had our sarimbun challenge. We used to rope to go to each of the station.After our challenge, we went to do our CIP at sungei buloh,it was a hot day. Almost of us got sunburn. During the night we have our campfire it was fun and hilarious. The duration last about two hours. We have our cheer done there and we would loud and united.
Okay, now let's talk about our trainer named Kiki Torez. He's a very funny, kind-hearted, strict and bubbly person. He is a very good dancer and a supporting guy. We really appreciate Kiki as our trainer. Tomorrow will be our last day in Sarimbun camp , will be going home at 12plus. Almost all of us are sad to leave the campsite. While the other half was excited to go home and see their family members.

from the blog manager: We are grateful to have this camp organised, we learn class bonding, we completed all of the activites with the help of our classmates and trainers. We are going to miss all the trainers in the campsite.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:15 PM

Hello , we are back again to blog about our day 2 activities. Firstly, we have our breakfast in the morning, then proceed on to our first station that is kayaking. Rafting, which was the second activity, was there too. Kayaking and rafting drain us out totally. We were all dirty with mud and soil all over our body. After our rafting, we went to the station, Challenge Valley that include tyre tunnel and 'milo' pond. We had a lot of fun enjoying ourself in the milo pond. Some of us even went into the pond twice through the slide. As a safety precaution, we had to cross our legs while sliding down. After which, we had our wash up and went for lunch. Abseiling was the next activity, all of the boys took turn trying out to abseil, whereas the girls did not have the courage to try the abseiling. The girls wanted to try out the flying fox but it was not available as the area was taken up by primary school students.

We went to prepare for our campfire cheer for about an hour. All of us had many different and interesting ideas to create the cheers but in the end, we only chose 3 cheers that we thought was the best. We practice our cheers and subsequently we had our dinner.

Our last activity for the night was the night walk and somehow we felt rather scared and we were all breaking out in cold sweat. Nevertheless, we managed to complete the walk and many positive attitudes were shown by our classmates. We cheered and encouraged one another and heaps of encouragement just kept us going. Finally, it was time for shower and that mark the end of day 2 of our camp.

Overall we had lot of fun today. We look forward to day 3 activities and hope we had as much fun and enjoyment again.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:49 PM
Sarimbun Scouts Camp Day 1 - 27/07/2010

Today is the first day of our Secondary 2 camp. Though it's pretty tiring but we had lots of fun. Shall not comment any further. Let the pictures speak a thousand words.

The journey on bus to the camp. Look at our faces, we are so excited.

Just arrived at the campsite. =)

While waiting to pitch the tents.

Posing for a picture after pitching up the tent!

Waiting patiently for lunch. Look at those hungry faces...

Briefing for our FIRST activities.(Rockwall Challenge)

Apek doing demostration of harness.

Actual climb of rockwall.

Confident Rope Course

Being the timid and soft-spoken girl in class, Shin Yin managed to overcome her fear for the obstacle. With that, we salute you, Shin Yin! =) Well Done!

Melody posing for pictures. So cute. hahaha.

Form teachers + Boys.

Us, the in-charge for camp blog. So cute right. Hahaha!

Team building activity.

It's our form teachers!

Team Bonding and building.

After a long day of fun-filled activities, it was dinner at last!

Eating up the food hungrily. It was tasty! =)

Overall, i think day 1 activities is very fun and exciting. We are tired yet we enjoyed ourselves very much. Our classmates showed utmost participation and team work throughout day 1. We're looking forward to tomorrow's activities that could probably bring us much more enjoyment and excitement! It's getting late, turning in now. Good night people! We shall blog again tomorrow!